
"You're scared for your life, so you turn to the man
The man that holds your life in the palm of his hands.
And your heart starts racing like a bullet from the gun
And you can feel it in your chest, it's affecting your lungs
This breath that you're taking's getting harder to take"

Postat av: Bea

Hoppas att allt är bra med dig :)

2009-05-06 @ 11:22:01
URL: http://beatricebrorsson.blogg.se/
Postat av: m a j a n

Hej där!

Vill du vara med & tävla om en bloggdesign?

Kika in här: http://majan.blogg.se/2009/may/designtavling.html

Hoppas att du får en fin dag!

2009-05-06 @ 11:23:42
URL: http://majan.blogg.se/
Postat av: Bea

sv: tackar :)

- Hittar du på då?

2009-05-06 @ 11:28:02
URL: http://beatricebrorsson.blogg.se/

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